In the training curriculum to become a Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training instructor there are 3 levels:
1. BRMT Level 1: Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training and Primitive Reflexes
In this 2-day course participants learn the basics of the Rhythmic Movement Training: how rhythmic exercises can be utilized to regulate muscle tone, stimulate the brain in order to improve attention and control of impulses and to diminish hyperactivity.
The course also includes a survey of the most important primitive reflexes in these conditions, and how to integrate them with rhythmic exercises.
No previous knowledge required
2. BRMT Level 2: Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training, Emotions and Inner Leadership, the Limbic System
This 2-day course enables us to work with movements to get in touch with our emotions, and to stabilize emotions when they threaten to take command.
The course also deals with reflexes that especially affect our emotions: the Fear Paralysis reflex, the Moro reflex and the Tendon Guard reflex. It is a necessary tool for anyone who wishes to work with Rhythmic Movement Training.
Previous knowledge required: BRMT Level 1 or other entry level course
3. BRMT Level 3: Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training and Reflexes in Dyslexia, Reading and Writing Difficulties
This 2-day course deals with how our reading and writing ability is affected by various factors such as vision, articulation and motor ability. We learn how to test for non-integrated primitive reflexes and recognize other motor disabilities that are important for dyslexia.
Additionally we learn how to improve reading and writing ability by correcting these problems with rhythmic exercises and reflex integration. Emphasis on recognizing visual problems and improving vision and reading by combining rhythmic and visual exercises.
Previous knowledge required: BRMT Level 1 or equivalent
Highly recommended: BRMT Level 2
4. Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training and Diet for Sustainable Health, in Autism and other Challenges
This 2-day course deals with the great importance of diet and food supplements when working with rhythmic movements, not only in autism but also in ADHD, dyslexia and motor problems. Food intolerance is becoming more and more common and may interfere with the training.
This course teaches how to test for food intolerance and also for food supplements the child may need. The course also deals with primitive reflexes which are especially common in autism and how to conduct the training with children suffering from autism and ADD.
Highly recommeded: BRMT Level 1 and 2 or experience in muscle testing
5. Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training, Dreams, Creativity and Inner Healing
This 2-day course will give the participants tools to work with the sometimes scary dreams that may be caused by Rhythmic Movement Training. The symbols of such dreams are often similar to symbols of myths and folk tales. In the course Dr. Blomberg discusses the meaning of these symbols for healing and integration, and how we can use this information when working with our clients.
Participants are encouraged to do the movements for a period and keep a dream diary to bring to the course.
Previous knowledge required: BRMT Level 1 and 2
6. Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Preschool/Kindergarten
BRMT in Kindergarten surveys the majority of the reflexes taught in BRMT Levels 1-3, focusing on understanding the reflex patterns, and integrating the reflexes using games and activities. This comprehensive overview of BRMT will provide an insight into childhood games, lost in the age of technology, which can be repurposed with the intention to integrate the reflexes.
The “Kindergarten” class is aimed at giving teachers, early childhood educators, parents, caregivers, and physiotherapists, tools to make integration fun and playful, giving alternatives to exercises and isometric integration. Activities can be used with larger groups of children and to improve compliance at home.
If taught as a 2 day class, previous knowledge: BRMT Levels 1 and 2.
If taught as a 3 day class there are no previous knowledge required and those who have met the prerequisite may join the group on day 2.
7. Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training for Pain Management in Adults, Part 1 and 2
These two courses deal with muscle tensions which overload the neck, spine and joints and cause muscle inflammation, osteoarthritis of the joints and spine, rotated pelvis, and deformity of the skeleton for example scoliosis or hunches.
Part 1 is directed towards participants who have no previous knowledge of rhythmic movement training. The course deals with the basics of BRMT and with muscle tensions due to emotional stress and active stress reflexes and what to do about these.
It also introduces primitive reflexes which may cause muscle tensions, deformation of the skeleton and joints and osteoarthritis. We will learn to test for and integrate several primitive reflexes and use rhythmic exercises to correct hunches and use reflex exercises to correct rotated pelvis.
No previous knowledge required
Part 2 – In this course we learn to test and integrate primitive reflexes which cause muscle tension, pain, osteoarthritis and deformity on different levels: jaws, neck, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, hips, legs, knees, feet, shoulders and elbows.
We learn to integrate all reflexes which may cause a rotated pelvis and work with hip pain to prevent osteoarthritis of the hips.
Previous knowledge required: Part 1 or BRMT Level 1 and 2
8. Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Cerebral Palsy
This course addresses the physical challenges active reflexes play in Cerebral Palsy and similar disabilities such as gluten ataxia, head or nervous system injury, and birth trauma. This course is appropriate for therapists, parents, caregivers or anyone who deals with severe motor problems or spasticity acquired from congenital, genetic, chromosomal defects or stroke.
The course gives theoretical and practical information on how to apply Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Cerebral Palsy and other challenges that affects muscle tone, movement and mobility.
BRMT emphasizes working at the appropriate level to support relaxation, normalize muscle tone, release stress and spasticity. The goal is to improve physical capabilities, increase independence and enhance quality of life.
Children attending can bring up to 2 adults and will receive an individualized training program for continued progress and growth in the home and clinical environments.
No previous knowledge required
9. Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Exceptional Children, Part 1 and 2
Part 1 – In this course participants learn the basics of BRMT. This includes how movements can be used to assist in regulating muscle tone, stimulating the connections within the brain, especially as they relate to impulse control and attention. Topics included in this course are: child development and primitive reflexes; identifying active reflexes through testing or observation; movements and activities to integrate the reflexes.
Part 2 – This course addresses how BRMT affects our emotions. Participants will learn movements that support the connections from the limbic system to the prefrontal cortex for emotional regulation and development and techniques to modulate emotional responses to the work.
Some topics included in this course are: ”The Stress Reflexes”, improved motor function for CP and tension caused by active reflexes, RMT games and activities for large groups, modifications of the movements for age and ability, and how diet can affect the outcome of the method.
Previous knowledge required: BRMT for Exceptional Children, Part 1
10. Advanced Instructor Training Courses
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training Level 1 In-Depth
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training Level 1 Teachers Practicum
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training Level 2 In-Depth
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training Level 2 Teachers Practicum
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training Level 3 In-Depth
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training Level 3 Teachers Practicum
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training for Pain Management
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training and Diet In-Depth
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Kindergarden In-Depth
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in CP In-Depth
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Exceptional Children In-Depth
Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training and Dreams In-Depth